SolarRev Ebike Charger A Gcapco Invention for Year 2022
New CALRIGER Tech: SolarRev SOG Ebike Charger and Powerstation. Now available at City Home Depot Philippines. http://www.facebook.com/cityhomedepot
This is the right time for No Electricity cost ebike charging with the use of the Solar Sun Of God Power from the SolarRev SOG Generator. This technology was developed as response of Giancarlo Capco to the request of the Philippine NAVY NRTDC Base to SolarRev power their E-Vehicles that they use in bringing help and services to various Filipino communities. learn more by following the Philippine Navy NRTDC Official facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/NRTDC
For Calriger SolarRev Dealers and Distributors you can reserve orders at www.calriger.net
Follow our techs at http://www.facebook.com/calrigerph
Calriger Techs Invented by Giancarlo Capco http://www.facebook.com/giancarlocapcoph